
Showing posts with the label online resources

Test Your Churchill Knowledge

Winston Churchill went many places and did many things. His life is full of interesting facts. Complete the quiz below to see what you remember. Loading…

Charming Churchillian Chartings

Churchill (left) in Egypt in 1921 For the past month or so, I have worked on creating a digital map that charts all of Winston Churchill's travels. It will catalogue everywhere he went. As you may imagine, it is a large task; Churchill traveled everywhere from Calcutta to New York in his long life. So far, I have charted everywhere that he has traveled, as far as I know, up to the year 1907. I have fifty-eight years to go, but am planning to finish it sometime this month, if possible. Keep checking the map, as I am updating it constantly. I hope that you enjoy this resource!

Churchill's Chart of Achievements - From The International Churchill Society

A helpful resource that I have referred to many times for noting Chu rchill's main accomplishments is "Churchill's Chart of Achievements" by the International Churchill Society - one of the most, if not the, prestigious and accurate sites dedicated to the life of Winston Churchill. I hope that you enjoy this helpful tool. Thes e m ajor initiatives and evaluations are compiled by Steven F Hayward, from his book Churchill on Leadership (Rocklin, CA: Prima, 1998). p.24, and Richard M. Langworth, former editor, the International Churchill Society. Churchill's Chart of Achievements - The International Churchill Society